Composite Bonding
Transform Your Smile with Confidence

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Revitalise Your Smile in a Day with Composite Bonding!

Transform your smile with our cutting-edge Composite Bonding service! Imagine achieving a radiant, natural-looking grin in just one day. Our skilled dentists meticulously select a composite resin that seamlessly blends with your unique tooth shade, ensuring a bespoke and authentic result. Through expert tooth preparation techniques, we enhance the material’s adhesion, paving the way for the application of the putty-like resin. Moulded and smoothed to perfection, the resin undergoes a swift hardening process using a specialised curing light, creating a durable bond that stands the test of time.

Our commitment to aesthetic excellence extends beyond the procedure itself. With careful polishing, your dentist refines the details, leaving you with a flawlessly finished smile. What sets our Composite Bonding apart is not just the remarkable transformation in a single day, but the assurance of a warranty covering your newfound radiance for a confident six months.

Composite Bonding Procedure

Composite Bonding Shade Selection

Your dentist will choose a composite resin material that matches the colour of your natural teeth or the shade you request using a shade guide.

Contact Luwi Healthcare to Find out More on Composite Bonding.

Composite Bonding Tooth Preparation

To help the bonding material adhere to your tooth, your dentist roughens the surface and applies a conditioning liquid.

Composite Bonding Application

The putty-like resin material is applied, moulded, and smoothed to the desired shape.

Composite Bonding Curing

A specialised curing light is used to harden the composite resin, bonding the material to your tooth.

Composite Bonding Polishing

Your dentist makes necessary adjustments and gives your tooth a natural-looking shine.

Composite Bonding At a Glance

Used to improve:

Aesthetic look

Treatment time

One day


Local anaesthesia (General Available)

Length of stay in Turkey

3 days

Required visits to Turkey


Time between visits (if multiple visits needed)


Treatment cost (from price)

From £140

Follow Up needed in UK?


Recovery Time


Warranty Time

6 Months

Warranty Coverage


How It Works

Contact Us

Call, or contact us for a chat! Get UK pre treatment checkup and panoramic X-rays.

Get Your Treatment

Fly to Turkey to recieve your chosen treatment

Live Happily

Knowing that you’re happy and proud of your smile


Why Choose Luwi Healthcare


40combined years

Our team at Luwi Healthcare have over 40 joint years of dental tourism experience. When it comes to dental holidays and Turkey dental services, our extensive experience shines through. We have facilitated hundreds of dental tourism journeys.


We are partnered with NHS dental staff, so that you can feel confident that our team in the UK and Turkey will take the time to understand your issues and be reassured that our team have the experience to address your concerns and needs. Have a look at our testimonials and reviews.

Our Promise

Luwi Healthcare will never push you to any procedure or treatment and our philosophy is to look after you before, during and after your treatment in Turkey. Our team will listen and give you the knowledge to make an informed decision, in your own time, whilst also offering a warranty to cover you back in the UK after your treatment.

Before & After Images


Our Dentists

Our Clinics

UK Clinic Virtual Tour

uk dental practise virtual tour

Turkish Resort Virtual Tour

turkish luxury dental resort virtual tour

Turkish Resort Video Tour

turkish luxury dental resort video tour


Can implant treatment be applied under general anesthesia?

Dental implant treatment can be performed under local anesthesia and sedation in our clinic, or under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Note: Please inform our clinic in advance of your request for sedation or general anesthesia.

What should be considered before and after implant treatment?

For implant treatment to be successful, it is key for the patient to pay attention to oral hygiene. It is also recommended not to smoke before and after the treatment.

what is the price of dental implant treatment?

In our clinic, implants start from £????? and reach up to £??????, and the price of the implant-specific abutment is also included.