Sinus Lift Surgery
Enhancing Dental Implant Viability

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Building Foundations -
The Role of a Sinus Lift in Dental Implants

Successful dental implants depend on the quantity and quality of underlying bone. Placing implants in the upper posterior jaw is challenging due to insufficient bone near the sinus. Sinus lift surgery, or sinus augmentation, addresses this by raising the sinus floor and creating more bone for implants. Various techniques stimulate new bone growth, involving incising the gum to expose the bone, creating a hole, lifting bone into the sinus, and filling it with graft material. Your periodontist guides you on graft options.

After closure, healing takes 4 to 12 months before implant placement, with additional healing often required. In some cases, implants can be placed during sinus augmentation, significantly improving success rates. Patients commonly report minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Sinus Lift Information

When do you Need Sinus Lift Surgery?

In the event that your dentist encounters challenges in implanting dental prosthetics due to insufficient bone elevation in the upper jaw or proximity of sinuses to the jaw, it is highly probable that a sinus lift procedure will be suggested. Several factors contribute to bone loss, including:

  • Periodontal gum disease
  • Loss of teeth in the upper maxilla
  • The process of bone reabsorption subsequent to tooth extraction

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What occurs prior to undergoing sinus augmentation surgery?

Before undergoing sinus lift surgery, the dental practitioner will initially identify the specific location from which they will procure the additional bone. The sinus lift procedure commonly involves the utilisation of three prevailing variations of bone, which comprise:

  • Autogenous bone refers to bone sourced from the individual’s own body.
  • Allogenic bone, on the other hand, pertains to bone obtained from a deceased donor.
  • Xenograft involves the utilisation of bone derived from a cow.

In the instance where the bone originates from one’s own body, it will be procured from other regions within the individual’s mouth or body. Next, it will be necessary to undergo X-ray imaging. X-rays enable the surgeon or dental professional to carefully examine your jaw and sinuses in order to accurately determine the specific requirements.

What is the procedure for performing a sinus lift?

We will now discuss the forthcoming surgical procedure and provide you with a comprehensive understanding, ensuring you feel adequately prepared and self-assured prior to undergoing your sinus lift. The subsequent outlines the sequential series of occurrences that typically ensue during sinus lift surgery:

  1. The gum tissue is incised by the surgeon.
  2. By raising the tissue, the bone beneath is exposed.
  3. A small aperture in the bone is created by the surgeon.
  4. Subsequently, the bony fragment is elevated into the sinus cavity, and the resulting void is filled with a bone graft.
  5. The incision is then closed by the surgeon.

The subsequent phase involves the initiation of the healing process. Following a period of 4-12 months after the sinus lift surgery, your implants will be installed by your dentist. This interval allows for proper integration of the new bone with the preexisting bone. The duration between the surgery and the placement of the implants is contingent on the extent of bone augmentation required. Your dental practitioner will inform you regarding the appropriate timing for implant placement.

What transpires in the aftermath of a sinus lift procedure?

After undergoing a sinus lift, the majority of individuals typically encounter only minimal discomfort. It is possible to experience slight swelling, as well as some instances of gentle bleeding from either the nose or mouth during the initial post-operative days. Following your procedure, it is advisable to refrain from excessive nasal blowing or frequent sneezing. (We acknowledge that controlling sneezing can be challenging, thus it is recommended to avoid known triggers that may intensify sneezing episodes). This caution is necessary as sneezing and blowing your nose can potentially displace the bone-graft substance and compromise the integrity of the stitches. Hence, exercising caution is imperative.

Your dentist or dental specialist may provide you with:

  • To maintain nasal moisture, a saline spray can be utilised.
  • A prescription is available to ward off congestion and inflammation, while pain medication is provided for relief.
  • Antibiotics are also prescribed to combat potential infections.
  • In order to prevent infection, an antimicrobial mouthwash is recommended.

Following the surgical procedure, a subsequent appointment with the dental specialist will be scheduled within 7 to 10 days. During this visit, the specialist will carefully assess the surgical site and address any non-dissolved stitches. Occasionally, additional follow-up sessions may be required to monitor progress, but there is no cause for concern. Your dental professional’s utmost priority is ensuring your proper and complete recovery.

Sinus Lift Surgery At a Glance

Used to improve:

Must be done for implantation

Treatment time

One day


Local anaesthesia

Length of stay in Turkey

3 days

Required visits to Turkey


Time between visits (if multiple visits needed)


Treatment cost (from price)

From £250

Follow Up needed in UK?


Recovery Time

One Week If It Is Open Sinus Lifting

Warranty Time


Warranty Coverage


How It Works

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Our team at Luwi Healthcare have over 40 joint years of dental tourism experience. When it comes to dental holidays and Turkey dental services, our extensive experience shines through. We have facilitated hundreds of dental tourism journeys.


We are partnered with NHS dental staff, so that you can feel confident that our team in the UK and Turkey will take the time to understand your issues and be reassured that our team have the experience to address your concerns and needs. Have a look at our testimonials and reviews.

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Luwi Healthcare will never push you to any procedure or treatment and our philosophy is to look after you before, during and after your treatment in Turkey. Our team will listen and give you the knowledge to make an informed decision, in your own time, whilst also offering a warranty to cover you back in the UK after your treatment.

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Can implant treatment be applied under general anesthesia?

Dental implant treatment can be performed under local anesthesia and sedation in our clinic, or under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Note: Please inform our clinic in advance of your request for sedation or general anesthesia.

What should be considered before and after implant treatment?

For implant treatment to be successful, it is key for the patient to pay attention to oral hygiene. It is also recommended not to smoke before and after the treatment.

what is the price of dental implant treatment?

In our clinic, implants start from £????? and reach up to £??????, and the price of the implant-specific abutment is also included.